Friday, September 2, 2016

Happy Harvest Day

Cosmos, Zinnias, and Marigolds

Three types of tomatoes

the BIGGEST tomato!

The tomatoes are starting to come in from our garden.  Though summer is winding down, the garden keeps on giving with lots of harvest coming in the fall.  Today I picked beets and pickled them as well as many tomatoes that are beginning to ripen.  The deer are awful, so I thought I would pick some of them before the deer eat them.  They ripen just fine indoors.  One tomato was half the size of Amy's head!

One of the greatest pleasures I have enjoyed this year from the garden are the annual flowers I included amongst the vegetables.  Marigolds, zinnias, cosmos, gladiolas, and sunflowers (we never saw them grow very much since the deer ate them off the stem) brightened our senses.  Glory to God, our Creator - a creative Genius!

Lots of Love,