Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Look at the Birds of the Air: A Prayer by Elysia

Ok, Jesus, I am looking!  This morning I asked you to send the birds back to our bird feeders.  I have been missing them.  The weather has been so dull and overcast recently.  The cold weather has never kept the birds away from our woodsy yard, but for some reason they have gone.  Maybe the reason was that this was for Your glory: in answer to a simple prayer.  

The weather is so cold today, but the sun is shining.  As I was eating lunch and looking out our bay windows, I saw my little friends, two chickadees--my favorite kind of bird!!!  Chickadees are wonderful because they chirp and play and eat, even during the cold of winter in Minnesota.  I was so happy that you answered my prayer that I ran to get a camera.  The chickadees had left already, but I saw another of my well-like birds, a nuthatch.  Thank you, Jesus! Amen.