Monday, August 26, 2013

Almost Over

Summer is nearing its end, although you would not guess that judging by the ninety degree weather we are having.  Yesterday we watched a baseball game in Fargo and baked in 98 degrees F.  Our sweet Gretchen has begun seventh grade already at a new school and appears to be loving it most of the time.  Her Junior High picture is classy.  Gretchen is in the front row, the fifth from the left.

Peter John is also beginning fifth grade at a new school.  We met his teacher two weeks ago, and she made a very good impression on us.  I cannot wait to get him back into school.  His summer boredom is about driving me up the wall! Thankfully, he has discovered the game of chess, courtesy of his cousin, Mark, who spent a few weeks in this area in July.  He is a chess nut who taught my little girl, Lizzy, to play last year.  Now Lizzy likes to teach others.  The kids know how to play it on the computer, and we have a great board called "Quick Chess" that is good for amateurs like me who need to play much younger "experts."  At least I can get through the game when I play this version.

Well, one relief to our children's summer boredom has been the presence of their cousins (four of my nieces and nephews) and another friend whom I have been babysitting during the month of August.  There are all kinds of activity going on around here!  It is a challenge keeping food on the table and in their bellies and keeping enough dishes clean for eight kids!  I think I spend most of my time in the kitchen these days.  Along with preparing meals, I have also been canning and freezing veggies that were given us by our very kind and generous landlord.  So far, I have frozen about 45 quart bags of sweet cord, about 15 jars of salsa, and 3 jars of tomato juice last week.  I will have to take a break this week to put on a garage sale.  Hopefully we can get rid of some of the excess in our home through this sale.

This is a busy life, but we pray for God's glory and for a heavenly perspective every day.  Jesus, be our Lord, save us from our sins, and comfort us with the presence of the Holy Spirit who is with us.  We love you, Jesus. Amen.

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