Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Silent Protest

Today I removed my Concordia graduation ring from my finger. This is my silent protest against the ELCA's blatant move away from the truth of God's word, and their stubborn ways that would completely ignore God's warning through the tornado in Minneapolis a couple of weeks ago. I agree completely with John Piper's article written in response to the ELCA's decisions on human sexuality that contradict God's Holy Word and seeks to reinvent the word into their own crafting. Not that I was surprised. When I went to Concordia 15 years ago, they had already gone off the deep end into the abyss of atheism and liberalism. The denomination seems to have followed their colleges into the abyss themselves. I am probably going to get in trouble for writing all of this down, and being the nice Minnesota girl that I am, it is hard to write it. And the criticism I will receive will be hard to swallow, too, but may the truth ring out! Lord, save us, and come quickly!


  1. Wow Elysia... I don't think I've ever seen you so worked up! It's great to see some passion though. I hope you took pictures, or even a video of this moment to share with your friends and the world!

    I'm sorry... I'm teasing you. You know... I never got a Cobber ring... interested in selling yours? What size is it?

    I don't know if your in an ELCA church, but if you are, maybe you should step it up and try to change the ELCA's mind. Or find another church you want to be a part of.

  2. Hi Matt! I generally don't express strong opinions on're right. No, I'm not Lutheran, but as a Christian every believer in Jesus is a part of the Body of Christ, and I am sad to see this part of the Body leave behind the truths of God's word in exchange for the patterns of the world. I probably won't say anything else about it....just wanted to express my grief.

  3. So Elysia, you really think there was a tornado because of the ELCA's business?

    Could you check out this short video from the Mr. Diety series? I'd be curious what you think of it. If you're not familiar with it, the show is about Mr. Diety (God, or someone like him) and what might be His take on various subjects. I have really enjoyed the series... the funniest one here where the Diety, his assistant, Larry; and the Jesus figure (whom the Diety mistakenly calls Jesse).

    ... but this one just came out last week. A touchy subject I thought he did well, and I kind of want to share it with others, but some (perhaps you) may find it crosses the line. Let me know what you think of this.

  4. If you read the bible there are numerous accounts of God allowing "disasters" because of the heart of the people not following Him. Egypt-plagues. Not always the way we like to see God, but His word is truth. I watched the video, and I think it's crap. God hears our cries, and he works through circumstances. Look at Job. What the ELCA has done has taken another bite of the luke-warm slime that will cause Him to spit the church out of His mouth. It makes me sad, and I don't support what they are doing in ANY way. Good for you Elysia in taking a stand by removing your ring.

  5. p.s. I'm not saying that God caused that tornado because of what was happening with the ELCA, but I find it interesting that it was concentrated in that area, and that it was right at the moment when decisions were being made over things that God is very clear about in His word.

  6. Wow. I guess it does cross the line. But wasn't the first video funny? Coming up with the 10 commandments?

    I'm no expert, but isn't the point of the Book of Job that God is not answerable to us? He doesn't have to justify himself, or respond to our demands and questions?

  7. I don't think you crossed the line in that video. There are parts of it that were funny. I think many people see God in the way that He was portrayed in that clip. It is obviously satire, and when you look at it from that point of view--it's not a big deal. I just didn't think it relates to what Elysia was talking about. I only watched the second one, so I can't speak for the first video.

    I also felt that on such a tough subject as "the twin towers", it gave a horrible view of what God is like. The idea that God is asleep (when he yawns and says he's been sleeping 17 hrs)or out playing golf when the shitaki mushrooms hit the fan---well, that is simply false. He does not sleep or slumber, and He hears the cries of His people. He may choose not to save in certain circumstances, but again, there is a bigger picture. Does that mean I shouldn't ask for God's mercy? No way! I ask.

    The other part that bothered me was the indifference of "God" to the distress of the prayers being laid before Him. I believe that God turns His ear to the brokenhearted and comforts even when He chooses to allow things to happen that we feel are horrible. Even though God didn't change Job's circumstances, He did hear his prayers, and in the end...he was answered (given even more than what he had lost). Rain falls on good and evil alike, but I do believe that there are times when God allows things to happen as a "wake up" to the reality that we are not in control of everything in our lives (although, I certainly like to think I am at times *smile*). Anyway, I was a bit confrontational in that last post, but I felt that the video was such a poor example of the creator that I serve.

  8. The LORD sat enthroned at the Flood,
    And the LORD sits as King forever. Psalm 29:10
