We have benefited from the
teaching at
Sovereign Grace Fellowship in Bloomington, MN. Ethan and I have recently listened to a Parenting Seminar series by two of their pastors. The messages have brought me to tears, but have been exactly what I needed at the time, reminding me of the need for more grace from my Lord and Savior. The greatest help for me is in understanding God-given authority of mothers and fathers. For too many years, I exercised my authority as a parent with fear. The pastors have gleaned from the teaching of Tedd Tripp in "Shepherding a Child's Heart" as well as from J.C. Ryle, John Calvin, Paul David Tripp, and Lou Priolo.
Here is the website to listen to the sermons from 2010 online:
http://audio.sovgracemn.org/2010/Look for the following sermons:
Parenting In Weakness by Dave Harvey (guest), January 17, 2010
Parenting Seminar: Rooted in Gospel by Rick Gamache, January 30, 2010
Parenting Seminar: Rooted in Purpose by Steve Bice, January 30, 2010
Parenting Seminar: To Nourish, Discipline, and Instruct by Rick Gamache, March 27, 2010
Parenting Seminar: Faithful Correction by Steve Bice, March 27, 2010
Praise the Lord for these resources!
Excellent, Elysia!! I am glad you found this resource and that it has been so helpful to you and Ethan.