Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ministry News by Elysia

Our road to serving God through Training Leaders International is moving forward. Ethan is preparing to serve in Athens, Greece in June 2012. He will be teaching along with a team of other teachers the subject of Biblical Theology to pastors and church leaders congregating in Athens. This short-term trip will be about ten days long.

In order to prepare for these teaching trips, Ethan is currently support raising for his yearly salary and mission trip costs for TLI. So far this spring, Ethan has traveled by car to Idaho (twice), Arizona, and Colorado to meet with friends and relatives sharing the vision God has given us to teach and minister to church leaders around the world.  In fact, today he will be returning from Idaho where he spent a week meeting with friends there to share about our mission work.

Are you interested in joining us in our team of prayer and financial supporters?  If so, please contact Ethan or visit the Training Leaders International support page in order to receive more information about supporting us.  Please let Ethan know if you would like him to meet with you to talk about TLI and our vision for teaching and training Biblical, Christ-centered leaders throughout the world.

Praise and Prayer Requests

1. PRAISE: We are already building a team of supporters who are interested in seeing the Gospel taught and leaders built up to advance the ministry of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
2. PRAISE: Ethan will be joining a team of teachers in June to Athens, Greece!
3. PRAYER NEED: Ethan's studies as he prepares to teach Biblical Theology.
4. PRAYER NEED: Spirit-filled and Gospel-centered teaching that glorifies God and builds up the Church throughout the world.
5. PRAYER NEED: Financial provision and prayer support.
6. PRAYER NEED: A long-term base for the Larsons to work from. Strength and provision for family life. Spiritual growth and fellowship for the Larsons.

"That Your way may be known on earth, 
Your salvation among all nations." Psalm 67:2

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