Saturday, September 15, 2012

Unconditional Love

This is a note from one of my little children.  The morning started off busy with breakfast and devotions with the kids.  We went right to our Saturday chores which the kids worked hard at with my help. Soon after one of my children challenged me by losing her temper when I was trying to help her with her music.  One thing led to another, and she was soon disciplined, not without protest. It is always difficult for me to deal with conflict in my family, and my reaction was tears and crying out to God for help.  Later after my husband intervened, and when repentance and forgiveness was extended, things were calmer.

This is when another one of my girls came up to me with this note.  She quickly ran off, but I called her back to me.  I touched her and told her I loved her too.  She had nothing to do with the previous conflict, but she sensed my sorrow.  She loved me.  I told her that her note reminds me of Jesus' love.  He loves us, too, even when things go wrong.

They say to look for teachable moments when raising children.  This moment was one of God's grace teaching me through my little girl.

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