Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Prayer for Sanctification

Dear LORD,
You are the Most Holy God. We praise you this morning and look to You for everything. Lord, make us holy like You are holy. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we may be full of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit for Your glory and for building up Your Bride.
We need help to be full of love for You. May we love you with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. May we love one another. We need help to be cheerful, Lord, when our flesh only feels grumpiness. We want to love You and treasure You more than anything else, so that we may walk in Your goodness and Your glory. With You is the fountain of life, and in Your light we see light. May Your light shine in our lives so that we may honor You and so that we may silence the critics. Thank you that we have the assurance of Your love. Thank you that we are redeemed by Jesus and His precious blood shed on the Cross for our sins. We are reconciled to God because of Jesus' blood that has made propitiation for our sins. We are approved by You, God, because of Jesus. Thank you. We love you. Sanctify us, Lord, for Your name's sake. Be glorified.

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