Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kibera Slum

I learned from a wikipedia article on the Kibera slum in Kenya that this slum is the second largest slum in Africa with over 1 million inhabitants. The pastors Ethan and the team are teaching live and minister in this informal settlement. Here are some photos I found from other websites on the internet giving you an idea of the geography of this area:

The team leader posted a quick note on how the teaching is going today on the TLI facebook page:
"Teaching how to study the Bible by studying Philemon in the slums of Nairobi brings A LOT of interesting questions from the pastors."
Please pray that these pastors might be refreshed by God's word and be encouraged by the love of God.

Another note came from the team leader yesterday saying that Ethan and Darren are both healed from their illnesses. Thank you for all who prayed and continue to pray for their health and safety.

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome opportunity my brother and his team have. Lord use them!
