Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pray For the Last Day...

Ethan's last day of teaching the lay leaders in Nairobi will be Wednesday, then they will spend time with and teach pastors from the informal settlements (slums) of Nairobi. Here is a quick update from Ethan:

I am having a good time in Africa. I am teaching all day and then usually spending the evenings studying. tomorrow is my last day of teaching this group and I still have lots to get through so pray for me. the group of people i am teaching is really wonderful. very nice people. three men and four ladies. they are lay leaders in the churches.

The weather is cool here. i didn't bring enough cold weather stuff. Thursday to sunday we are working with some pastors and lay leaders in the slum churches.

Ok It is late i need to get to sleep.

And here is a quick update from me:
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10 Being still and trusting is often exactly the opposite of what we feel like doing, but it is exactly what we need to do. Please pray for me as reality has set in...today was a difficult day with the kids. Lots of good moments, too, but lots of difficulties as well. I need the power of the Spirit and the armor of God more than ever. Thank God, His grace is sufficient through everything, and we are kept by the power of God. I have life because of what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross, I am sealed by the Holy Spirit because I believe, and I am in the excellent care of my Heavenly Father. My kids are His lambs, and He will carry them. Hallelujah.

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