Saturday, July 17, 2010

Preaching in Kenya

Dear Praying Friends:
Ethan's team with Training Leaders International was scheduled to arrive in Kenya this morning (our time). After a night of sleep (hopefully), they will spend Sunday morning in prayer and then splitting up to preach at various churches in the slums of Nairobi. Please pray for Ethan as he preaches tomorrow morning. May God's name be lifted high, His truth proclaimed causing many to find freedom, and Jesus Christ to be glorified.

The kids and I are doing really great, by God's grace. I can tell that people are praying for us. Please continue to pray for us. The thunderstorms/tornado watches are causing some anxiety and fear in the kids. Also, some different loved ones are having health problems which causes some anxiety. Grumpy times suddenly come upon us just before meals and at bedtime. This is normal, of course, but I pray that God will deliver us from evil and from the enemy of our souls who would like to make things miserable for us. I have found SUCH comfort in God's word and the promise that "The LORD is my shepherd." We are His sheep, and He is carrying the little lambs in His arms (my kids :). We have enjoyed some fun times together the last few days, praise the Lord.

Thanks for the support! Love, Elysia


  1. Elysia. we as a church will be in prayer for his time in Kenya.

  2. Praise God for the Body of Christ that prays for one another. Thank you, Vlad, and the church in Priluki.
